2020.08 Are We Sampling Communism?

“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
― Jose Marti

It’s up to the states to decide for themselves how much or little monitoring needs to happen in order to prevent the spread of the virus of dread that originated in China and appears to be bio-terrorism based on the documentary recently released by The Epoch Times. None too surprising for those of us who have grown up in the United States over the last 6 decades. Truly this is nothing compared to what our fellow citizens of the earth, the Chinese must struggle with. I am experiencing new empathy for their plight and a desire to change that situation for them. They are a beautiful and fascinating culture and deserve the same freedoms of expression and creativity the rest of us have. We are tasting (barely) what their world feels like right now.

Depending on who you talk to or listen to we are headed into a complete crash and burn and the beginning of a One World system or we are shaking loose from it and re-nationalizing our countries, wiping out the results of pervasive evil deeds and finding our individual autonomies once again. Here in the US, we are a collection of 50 different and unique states – each with different ways of governing ourselves, making decisions, creating commerce and living lives and livelihoods. However, many have forgotten this. Our president leaves decisions up to the states and then folks go on a Twitter tirade that he is blaming the states for his inaction. Were he to simply give an order to everyone, he would be told he was a dictator and he is not. He understands our rights and the Constitution. The bigger problem is that our citizens don’t understand the constitution. Heck, I have two degrees and I’m not sure that I do. I do understand that we have rights as citizens and states, and that this is a president who is preserving those rights.

Are the governors that are mandating people stay inside their homes really overstepping their authorities and exercising control they aren’t really afforded? What is keeping the people in those states choosing to be compliant instead of staging nonviolent, properly socially distanced, masked resistance?? What will happen when the curve is truly on the downswing and the President moves to open the country again? Will those very authorities oppress their residents with continued or more restrictions? Will people decide they are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore? Will we see a move toward Civil Disobedience? I hope so. For those politicians that don’t want to respect and promote the rights of the people that put them in office, they can shove off to some other place where their dictatorship is wanted. America – do you see you are free? Where else could you get away with slamming your president on social media as a whipping post? Have you taken a good look at what happens in those countries where there is a leader with absolute power?

Feeling civil and thankful for our Constitutional rights,


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