2023.03 Would you Choose the Red Pill or the Blue One?
Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain. Ecclesiastes 1:18
This is NOT a question about political party affiliation here. This is about seeing what’s really going on – understanding narrative and edifice behind the noise and agendas. It’s about actually looking at what is strung together and connected by way of evidence versus just accepting what is easy, available and ready made.
To choose red is to choose knowledge and along with it grief and pain. To choose blue is to just go with what is and what is doled out or what we are told to do and let others do the thinking and we join their throng, whatever that may be.
My red pill days started young – high school. Research and reading led me down many rabbit holes and trails, collecting bits and snatches here and there, always listening, watching, observing the culture and asking questions. It was a constant sorting of things into mental boxes as to what they were connected with, messages they were sending and beliefs being reflected. But life came – marriage, home ownership, travel, children, activities, career. I kept collecting, watching, sorting but was falling asleep to some degree. Some questions I never asked. Some things fooled me. I ignored gut feelings.
Then BAM! My life hit a crisis the year my dad died and then not too long after was 9/11 and by then I had mostly fallen asleep and into the status quo on some level, though not completely. I had already started to break away from alopathic medicine as a solution for most illness. Too many things about it felt wrong, especially after watching my dad struggle with cancer. I was no longer buying the American recipe for healthcare and was slowly becoming a nonparticipant at some level. Mainly because it didn’t used to be this way.
Later a double BAM – I became the only parent and provider and then the financial crash of 2008. Somewhere I stopped following regular news, they left me wanting and asking a lot of questions. On a personal level in my rather shell shocked state of too much change in a small window of time, any bad news or hard facts were just too much. So much of life was just coping, working, trying to find joy in the cracks and not be brought down by any unnecessary conflict or negativity for fear of being rendered incapable. I was weak, God was strong and we just moved forward that way for a long while.
Over time the strength returned, I could tune into what was going on outside my immediate world. But the startling discovery was how negative and vicious the dialogues (if you can call them that) were. Isn’t this a giveaway? When folks have to get so riled up and irrational, it points to something wrong. What is wrong with the picture?
That’s when you really need facts and to string things together that go together and look at them. Who is connected? What do they really believe? Who are they really? What are the values they are saying they have and do they act consistently with those values? Are you getting this information straight from the source or are you listening to someone else tell you about it? Yeah, that last one matters maybe the most in this age of sounds bites and quick editable clips that can easily lack authentic context. I’ll just say it again. Is your information straight from the source, i.e. a live interview with that person or their own publication?
That’s what the Red Pill is all about. It is a courageous look at facts and how they fit together realizing they stand for whatever they do and not our own agenda or ideas. It recognizes a narrative for what it is and not what I want it to be or someone else wants it to be. I’ve come to realize I swallowed a bill of goods a number of times in my life and fearlessly slept through what was really going on, allowing myself to be spoon fed. The hangover from the Blue Pill is feeling foolish for being fooled. After nearly three years of the Rona Scamdemic, lots of people are feeling this way. No worries. They fooled us all and lured many into deeper traps. It was a mean trick done by those who love to make fools of others, something that is all too familiar to me. The only real fools are the foolers. Those who were fooled were fooled in honest good intentioned faith. Time to brush the fools lies off and be brave enough to desire truth and facts over lies and propaganda.
The way of the Red Pill is painful, just like loving someone with your whole heart and living life with all of you. Do you want to courageously live or fearlessly sleep?
Suffering the joy of the Red Pill,
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